29 Jun 2010 @ 9:49 

Day 14 (June 29, 2010)

Yesterday after I had returned to the lab again to continue my work, I ran into the principal. You know, the man told me his name, wrote it on a slip of paper and gave it to me, and probably said it again at some point but I can’t seem to ever recall it so I’ll keep referring to him as the principal. Or perhaps, The Principal. The Principal came up to me while I was working and invited Robert and me to his house for lunch on Wednesday (two days from now).

“What day did you think you could come?” He asked.

“Oh, any day is free for us!” I piped up, having no idea when Robert was actually free.

“Ok, good. I was thinking…Wednesday you could come by my house—“

“Yeah, Great!” I practically squealed.

A little too overzealous, I think…got to cool it down, Brandon.

“—Yes. The house is just down the road from the school, remember…?”

“Oh yes, I remember.” I responded happily.

“Good, good. Well then…I guess I’ll see you then? I’ll come by again around 1:00 to pick you up.”

“Ok, great!” I responded, shaking his hand happily. There we were again, the two of us smiling happily like dopes shaking each other’s hand. I noticed people around the internet café (they use the lab simultaneously as an internet café to help cover costs) staring at us quizzically. After he departed I buried my face in my monitor; this time as well I didn’t want to see Robert’s expression.

I’ve begun to suspect some funny business with Nado recently. Last night I went to his store again.

“Nado!” I exclaimed, happy to be the first one to get it out this time.

“Brandon!” he happily replied before returning to a customer in the store. Once he was ready for me, I pointed out some eggs that I wanted and then began to look at some packs of cookies. He walked over and I thought I recalled him saying “These, 90 francs” pointing to a large pack of cookies.

“90 francs?” I asked, a little surprised. He nodded at me and then turned to a customer who was impatiently demanding some butter.

90 francs for these?! What a steal! It’s kinda cool having Nado as a friend, a “man on the inside” and stuff.

“Ok, so how much are these eggs again?”


“Ok, yeah I’ll get all this.” I stated, putting them on a random box of drinks in front of me. I got out my wallet. “How much for everything?”


What?! Nado!! You said the cookies were 90 francs! I thought miserably as I shelled out the money. Perhaps I misunderstood him.

Perhaps I had misunderstood him. But today, when I stopped by at lunch to get some bread, both Nado and the lady (who I imagine actually owns the place and is probably his mother or Aunt or something) were there this time.

“Brandon!” He shouted, with a smile.

“Nado! How are you?” I replied, no longer expecting a response (he didn’t give one).

“Can I have some bread?” I asked, gesturing how much of it I wanted to the lady who started to slice the bread.

“How much for the bread?” I asked her.

“170” she replied. I started to put my hand into my pocket.

“200!” Nado cut in, looking at her. She looked down at him, smiling, and then looked back up at me.

“200.” I looked back from her face, smiling sweetly at me, to Nado’s, who was giving me his usual grin only it looked a little more evil this time.

Nado!! Again?!

Nado’s been up to some funny business, I think. Perhaps the bread was supposed to be 200 (though I’ve paid both 170 and 200 for bread because I always make up an arbitrary amount to buy when I go there). But I’ll never quite know.

I’ve got my eye on you, Nado.

Posted By: Brandon
Last Edit: 01 Jul 2010 @ 09:51

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